IHWO Assessment Unit

International House World’s Assessment Unit was established in 2011 to provide expert moderation and standardisation of the teacher training courses delivered by the IH network of schools.

Every year, hundreds of teacher training course participants from all over the world (who train with IH schools or on our own IH Online Teacher Training Institute) have their end-of-course portfolios reviewed by an independent moderator, through the IHWO Assessment Unit.

This process ensures a very high standard of training and assessment across IH training centres and facilitates the standardisation of course delivery. Course participants who take courses that are centrally moderated receive a certificate from the IHWO Assessment Unit.

Courses that are moderated and certificated by the IHWO Assessment Unit:

IH Certificate in Teaching Very Young Learners
This is a purely online course lasting 10 weeks, with topics specific to learners under the age of six such as telling stories, using music, etc.

IH Online Course in Teaching Young Learners and Teenagers
Our 8-week Young Learners course covers classroom management, materials, clarification and correction, the four skills and individual learning.

IH Certificate in Teaching Business English
This 15 week course covers basic business awareness, professional skills, and methodology and materials.

IH Certificate in Teaching 1-2-1
This 11 - 12 week course gives the teacher a solid grasp of the main issues and techniques involved in teaching 121.

IH Certificate in Advanced Methodology
This 15-week course aims to increase teachers' theoretical knowledge of teaching, and improve practical teaching ability and self-analytical skills.

IH Director of Studies Course
This 12-week course helps to prepare you to become an academic manager: from recruitment and induction to observations and motivating staff.

IH Teacher Trainer Certificate
This 12-week course helps experienced teachers develop the skills needed for a teacher trainer role.

Modules de Méthodologie Avancée pour l'Enseignement du FLE
Les modules IH FAM visent à développer les connaissances théoriques, les compétences pratiques ainsi que les aptitudes d’auto-évaluation des enseignants de français langue étrangère.

IH Methodik Aufbaukurs Deutsch (MAKD)
Die Module des IH MAKD zielen darauf ab, das theoretische Wissen, die praktischen Fertigkeiten und die Fähigkeiten zur Selbstevaluation von Lehrern für Deutsch als Fremdsprache auszubauen.

Teams and Communication
Learn how to manage effective teams and improve communication on this online course

Managing Customer Service
This course will teach you about the different aspects of customer service in a language teaching organisation and examine customer expectations.

Observation and Giving Feedback
This highly practical, online course will give you the skills and strategies you need to manage observation and feedback successfully in your school.

Business Management
On this online business management course you will learn about the key components of marketing and finance.

Performance Management
On this online course for language school managers, you will explore issues related to performance management for all staff.

Managing Change
This online course gives a theoretical framework and practical tools to lead change programmes and respond to change initiatives effectively.

Young Learner Centre Management
This online course will teach you the key principles of how to manage a young learner centre or department effectively.

IHWO Diploma in Academic Management
This flexible, online training programme is ideal for busy managers working in an academic context who would like to build their own study programme.

Coaching Techniques course for Language Teachers
This course aims to equip language teachers with basic coaching techniques that will help them support their students’ acquisition of life competencies such as teambuilding, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, creative thinking and negotiation.