IH Diploma in Academic Management

Academic managers in Language Education are often expected to "hit the ground running" with little formal training and limited support. The IH Diploma in Academic Management is a comprehensive programme that supports and equips Academic Managers with the skills and knowledge to perform better, make assured decisions, and feel confident in approaching issues. The diverse range of courses will provide you with the insight and practical tools to assess the root cause of issues in your organisation. Then, supported by a tutor, you can find a solution to the issue you have identified in the Action Research Course.

IH Diploma in Academic Management = 5 Courses in Academic Management + Action Research Project

>>>  Want to take your career to the next level? Apply for the IH Diploma in Academic Management! <<<

Why Choose the IH Diploma in Academic Management

  • 🌍 Connect with a global community of peers in different contexts facing similar challenges and share solutions.
  • 📅 Flexible Schedule: Choose the courses that fit your role, organisation, and preferred start dates throughout the year.
  • 🕒 Study at Your Own Pace: Our online, asynchronous format allows you to learn when it suits you best.
  • 🎓Make Your CV Stand Out From the Crowd: Outshine other candidates when applying for academic management jobs.
  • 🔍 Gain Insight and Strategic Skills: Learn to assess issues effectively and find solutions.
  • 🔑 Prepare for Future Opportunities: Academic management roles increasingly require qualifications (Source: British Council Accreditation Criteria).

Key Information About the IH Diploma in Academic Management

💻 Format: Online, asynchronous

Duration: Each Academic Management Course lasts 6 weeks. Complete your 5 courses and the Action Research project within 2 years (starting from the date of the first course) to receive the Diploma.

🎓 Certificate: A certificate for each individual course and the Action Research Project, in addition to the overall Diploma certificate (7 certificates in total).

🏷 Fee:

  • Diploma Bundle: (5x Courses in Academic Management + Action Research Course) £1974 (£200 saving)
  • SPECIAL LAUNCH OFFER: £1900 - Pay for the IH Diploma Bundle before 8th December 2024.


  • Individual Courses in Academic Management: £385 | Action Research Project: £249

Discounts available for IH staff.

🔍 Assessment: Each short course is assessed individually. Your tutor marks your tasks as the course progresses and there is the opportunity to resubmit if necessary. Participants are expected to submit a minimum of 70% of the tasks on a course. At the end of the course, there is a final assignment which pushes you to reflect on what you have learnt. The assignment, along with your completed tasks, makes up the portfolio that is submitted electronically to the IHWO Assessment Unit. Portfolios are submitted two weeks after course completion.

✅ Entry Requirements:

  • Working in a language teaching institution at the time of the course
  • We require a minimum language level of C1 - according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
  • A higher teaching qualification (DELTA or equivalent) is desirable
  • Some experience in management or the specific area is beneficial

Weekly Time Commitment: You should expect to spend between 7 - 10 hours per week on a course.

>>> Ready to Take Your Career to the Next Level? Apply to the IH Diploma Now <<<

Courses in Academic Management

To be awarded the IH World Diploma in Academic Management you must successfully complete 5 of the 7 IH Courses in Academic Management and the Action Research Project.

  • Observation and Giving Feedback in Language Teaching
    Essential if you are carrying out observations, this course provides an overview of different types of observations, feedback methods, and managing resistance. ’The most valuable aspect for me was being challenged to reflect on my ideas, beliefs and practices.’ (Chris, Spain).

Action Research Project

A stand-alone, self-access module with tutor support. Apply all the knowledge you've gained in the courses to solve a specific challenge in your working context. The project involves creating a document and video presentation for submission.

  • Duration: 3 months from starting the ARP course.
  • Assessment: Formative feedback from the tutor.

>>> Apply for the Diploma Bundle and save £200 <<<

Course Dates

We offer several start dates throughout the year to provide flexibility and accommodate various schedules. The timeframe to complete all five Courses in Academic Management and the Action Research Project to achieve the IH Diploma in Academic Management (IHDipAM) is two years. Here's a quick look at the course dates for 2025:

Teams and Communication

 18th January - 1st March 2025 (plus 2 weeks to complete the assessed portfolio)

Young Learner Centre Management
15th March - 26th April 2025 (plus 2 weeks to complete the assessed portfolio)

Observation and Giving Feedback

15th March - 26th April 2025 (plus 2 weeks to complete the assessed portfolio)

1st November - 13th December 2025 (plus 2 weeks to complete the assessed portfolio)

Performance Management
17th May - 28th June 2025 (plus 2 weeks to complete the assessed portfolio) 

Managing Change
5th July - 16th August 2025 (plus 2 weeks to complete the assessed portfolio)

Managing Customer Service
 6th September - 18th October 2025 (plus 2 weeks to complete the assessed portfolio)

Business Management
1st November - 13th December 2025 (plus 2 weeks to complete the assessed portfolio) 

2026 Overview of the Academic Management Course Dates

We can help you with scheduling and choosing the right courses for you. Contact the IH OTTI team.

How to Get the IH Diploma in Academic Management

You can still get the IH Diploma discount if you don't know which five courses you want to take at the time of application. You need to be sure of three courses and then the IH OTTI team will guide you in choosing the final two.

  1. Complete the Application Form: Provide details about your qualifications and experience.
  2. Application Review: Our team will review and get in touch if we need more information.
  3. Secure Your Place: Once approved, receive a payment link for the Diploma fee.
  4. Register and Plan: Register for five courses (or at least three courses and choose the other two later).
  5. Start Learning: You will Gain Access to the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) a few weeks before the start date and start the course!
  6. Complete the Courses and ARP: Complete all 5 courses, submit your portfolios and Action Research Project.
  7. Receive Your IH Diploma in Academic Management: Showcase your achievement!


“I have recommended and will continue to do so because it is cost-effective, time-appropriate, and most importantly professionally relevant. Every module gave me an insight into a new set of ideas I did not have before. Who could ask for more?”

By Rudi Dinno | American Language Instructor, Saudi Arabia.

Each module offered a well-balanced mix of solid theoretical input and practical application tailored to the language teaching context. The diversity of participants, from different contexts, enriched the learning experience as we exchanged ideas on the challenges we faced and the strategies we employed to address them. The tutors were consistently supportive, providing detailed feedback on assignments and insightful comments on online discussions. I was especially impressed by the tutors' ability to synthesize participant feedback and connect it back to theoretical frameworks.

By Antoinette Breutel-O’Donoghue | Director Languages Division, Switzerland

I see the diploma as part of getting ready for the future and opening up more opportunities… The diploma will enable me to talk a better game at interview for academic management positions, especially for places that will require me to get a work visa if I go abroad.

By Matthew Hallett | Senior Teacher

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the IH Diploma in Academic Management differ from the DELTM?

The IH Diploma in Academic Management is more flexible – it’s fully online and asynchronous, so you can take it at your own pace without needing to attend in-person or live sessions. Also, with the IHDipAM, you’re able to choose the specific areas that interest you most.

How well recognised is the IH Diploma in Academic Management?

The IH Diploma in Academic Management is offered by IH OTTI, the Online Teacher Training Institute of International House World Organisation, a globally-renowned leader in teacher training. This means the diploma is highly respected and widely recognised. We’re committed to quality, so you can expect excellent courses and tutors. You’ll join a community of professionals passionate about language education.

Who will be my tutor?

Each Academic Management course has its own expert tutor who is a specialist in the subject area. Tutors have extensive knowledge in the relevant topic areas, as well as being experienced and qualified online teacher trainers.

They have been Academic Managers for many years, often in International House schools. With qualifications such as the DELTA, DipTESOL, and Masters degrees, plus years of experience in top English language schools, they’ll provide you with valuable guidance and support. They’ve written textbooks, trained teachers, and shaped industry standards – so you can be sure you’re learning from the best.

What is Action Research?

Action Research is a practical approach to professional development that involves identifying a problem or area for improvement, implementing changes, and reflecting on the results. It's a powerful tool for educators and managers alike to enhance their practices and contribute to the overall success of their institution.

In the words of Adrian Underhill, “Action research is not just a method; it is a way of being as a teacher, a way of seeing and understanding the classroom and our role within it.” For academic managers, fostering a reflective culture within your institution can lead to continuous improvement and innovation.

Will I be with the same people on every course?

You might see some familiar faces across different courses, but each course has its own group of students. So, whether you'll meet the same people again depends on which courses you choose.

Can I have a trial before committing to the whole IH Diploma?

We can’t offer a trial, but you can get a feel for the Diploma by enrolling in one course to start; that’s why we offer the option to pay for each course individually. Plus, as a bonus, you’ll get a 10% loyalty discount on any courses you take after the first one! Please keep in mind that the Action Research Project (ARP) cannot be discounted.

Which modules do you recommend?

We offer a variety of six-week courses to help you specialise in different management areas. You'll learn online, collaborate with a community of academic managers, and have the flexibility to work at your own pace. Explore all of the options available right here.

Can the Diploma be completed in one year?

The Action Research Project is a crucial part of the diploma, so it's important to allocate enough time for it. While it’s possible to complete your five courses within a year, you’ll need to allow at least three months for the project. This gives you time to do your best work and delve deeper into a topic that interests you.

What is the reading list?

Each course includes all the reading materials you’ll need to succeed, so you won’t need to go and buy any textbooks to be able to engage with the content of the diploma. We've designed our course this way to be as accessible as possible; you'll find all the necessary resources available on our learning platform.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to pursue your learning as far as you’d like! While we provide plenty of reading, you can always explore the topic further if you’re interested. Some modules suggest extra reading to help you dive deeper and strengthen your reflective portfolio.

Ready to Advance Your Career? Apply for the Diploma Bundle and save £200!