Following the success of the first two IH Study Abroad Online Workshops that took place in June, International House World Organisation held two more online workshops in July for IH schools and study abroad agents to meet.
On July 28th and 29th, we were joined by representatives from 24 IH schools who had the opportunity to meet with more than 30 agents from countries including: Saudi Arabia, Peru, Italy, Germany, Norway, Hungary, Brazil, Russian Federation, Chile, United Kingdom, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia, France, Sweden, and Japan. Bernice Camilleri from Schools and Agents also attended as our guest.
As before, we all met in a virtual room where schools were sat at different tables, aka their own online room. Two different time zones were chosen again to allow schools and agents from around the world to take part. Agents could then refer to their schedule of meetings and click to sit at the same table at the school and enter their room. It was much like a face-to-face workshop – just from the comfort of our own homes!
During this difficult time, we want to show commitment to our valuable agent partners and demonstrate to them how International House is innovating to keep up with the changes in the world. Many of our IH schools are opening up now – or have plans to do so in the very near future – but are keeping their online classroom element, offering flexibility to students.
Giuliana Faldetta, Marketing Coordinator at IHWO, commented, "This second series of IH Study Abroad Online Workshops was an opportunity to bring together IH schools with quality agents located all over the world.
"This new way of organising workshops proves that meeting online with no travel restrictions is practical and effective. Agents receive first-hand information from our IH schools and have many course options to choose from: online, hybrid, and (in countries where this is already possible) face-to-face lessons.
"The wealth of shared expertise and the invaluable opportunity to meet with partners is always exciting to see. In these uncertain times it is important to stay connected. Together we are a strong and united brand."
On Tuesday 28th July from 09:00 to 11:30 UK time, IH schools that attended were: IH Berlin GLS, IH Bristol, IH Cape Town, IH Dublin, IH Intuition, IH London, IH Madrid, IH Malta, IH Manchester, IH Portsmouth - LSI Portsmouth, IH Seville, Malaga Cadiz - CLIC, IH Torquay - TIS, IH Valencia – Españole.
Schools that attended on the 29th from 15:00 to 17:30 UK time were: IH Alegre, IH Belfast, IH Galway, IH Montevideo, IH Newcastle, IH Rome - DILIT, IH Rouen - French in Normandy, IH Sydney City, Bondi, Darwin and Melbourne.
We would like to give a big thank you to our special partner International Insurance, our trusted partners for many years.
We would also like to thank StudyTravel for allowing us to use their Meeting Manager platform to schedule our workshop meetings efficiently.
We hope to host another online workshop for study abroad soon!