Smarter Teaching, Smarter Learning - A Webinar Series from IH Portugal
Fresh classroom ideas for language teachers from industry experts.
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29 May 2024
15:00 to 16:00
Join Palmina La Rosa, Director of Giga IH Catania for this free webinar.
This webinar will be recorded and emailed to everyone who registers. IH World will not provide certificates of attendance for this webinar.
In this session, we will take a look at the difference between traditional groups of students and teams. You will learn about team competency development, team models and techniques. We will also explore team coaching projects, from how to design the initial team planning process to teamwork assessment and the development of team skills.
Palmina is a teacher trainer and a qualified coach certified by ICF. She holds the IH Diploma in Educational Management and the University of Cambridge Certificate in High Impact Leadership. She is a career guidance specialist accredited by ASNOR. Palmina is dedicated to pursuing excellence conveying passion and enthusiasm for her work.