Frequently Asked Questions for IH Self-Study Courses for Language Teachers

While we don't offer a dedicated tutor service, our team is here to assist you with any technical problems you may encounter. Feel free to reach out to us for support.
Our programme is designed for self-study and does not include live sessions.
Complete the end-of-course quiz and score higher than 70%.
Yes, you can enrol on numerous IH Self-Study Courses for Language Teachers at one time.
These courses are offered at their regular prices without any discounts.
Fill in the registration form, make the online payment and we will send your access / login details within 48 hours.
You are not required to be actively teaching while taking these courses.
This is an independent style learning experience, where you engage in private learning and are not part of a group or cohort.
You don't need a camera or microphone. You only need internet access and the ability to read articles, match questions and answers, watch videos, and follow links. This can be done on a smartphone, mobile device, tablet, laptop, PC, or any other device with internet capabilities.
There is no requirement to have a particular teaching qualification for these courses, but to get the most out of the information and materials, it’s better to have experience or a qualification.
Each course provides 2-3 hours of material for you to work through at your own pace within the 6 weeks of initial access.
The courses provide both theoretical background knowledge and practical applications of tasks and activities that you can use immediately in your language classroom.
Please get in touch with [email protected] as soon as you face any difficulties and we will support you.
There is ongoing registration for the courses, this means that you can start your course at any time, on any day.
To be able to understand the material and get the most from the course you need to have an English language level of B2.
Yes! These courses are useful/beneficial for teachers of any language. The material is in English so you will need B2 level, but the information and activities apply to all language teachers.
The course assessment consists of a brief quiz at the end. While you're taking the course, you can make notes and reflect on your current practice and the information you learn, but this is not part of the formal assessment.
If you wish to delay your enrolment after you’ve paid, please contact [email protected].
The courses are not age-specific, unless indicated in the name of the course (for example, Teen Motivation is aimed at teaching teenagers) and the knowledge applies to all age groups or learners.