Learn Online
Looking for a high quality, live online language learning experience delivered by expert teachers? International House schools have been working hard behind the scenes to offer their language and teacher training courses live online. International House has a range of options to suit your needs; you can learn a language online with your local IH school or have a cultural learning experience online with our study abroad schools.
Our schools are offering their full range of courses online, including General English and all other languages, exam preparation, business, and much more. Students can study abroad live online from different time zones and learn English, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Arabic. To transport you from your home to the destination of the language, our schools have included cultural elements through cookery lessons, e-visits to local attractions, and social activities such as quiz nights and language exchanges.
Teacher training is also being offered with the 100% online CELTA course. What sets this CELTA apart from other TEFL courses is the Teaching Practice component where trainees teach real students. This important element is still included in the online course as trainees will be able to teach real students online. With our centres across the world in Europe, Asia and the Americas, you can choose to take the course within the time zone most suitable for you.
Thanks to our global network of IH schools, skills and ideas have been shared through training and webinars so that International House can offer the same great quality teaching but delivered online.
Our community of teacher trainers and academic managers has proven stronger than ever during this difficult time. From advice using technology and online materials, to creating support groups for teachers, IH schools have come together to make sure they can deliver life-changing courses to students.
Through collaboration, innovation and hard work, International House is bringing languages to life, supporting students, and uniting teachers online – until we’re together again.