The future of Training Conference 2021

13 November 2021

International House London is excited to announce their Future of Training Online Conference in November 13th 2021!

After a tumultuous 18 months, they would like to focus on all the amazing developments and experiments that have been going on in the world of ELT and teacher education. Whether the changes have been big or small, we have all had to adapt our practice.

Themes of the conference:

1. Aspects of training/training threads

It can be challenging and unrealistic to overhaul a whole training programme or attempt to shape every aspect of teaching in every course. But it can be rewarding and achievable to home in on one element of teaching/training to develop in your participants or yourself/fellow trainers. Have you done this? What experiments have you conducted with your training programmes to address particular and specific individual areas? Have you adopted new practices that confront more traditional approaches to training or teaching? How have your participants - or peers - reacted?

2. Training in diverse contexts

Going beyond Cambridge/Trinity qualifications. What does training look like in your context? Alternatively, do you have experiences of training in multiple contexts and can offer a comparison of approach, technique, course design? Perhaps you are a DoS and have found that CELTA/Trinity graduates need something more specific to function in your context: how did you go about it? What did your new teachers experience when adapting to this context and adopting new practices?

3. Modes of delivery

In the last year, we have all had to adapt to online teaching and training. What other modes of delivery have you been experimenting with? How does your asynchronous support work? What backchannel do you use and how? What feedback have you received regarding these, from participants or peers? Is online pedagogy fundamentally different?

Testimonals from previous Future of Training conferences

Should you have any questions, please contact the IH London Team via e-mail:  [email protected].