IH Valued Partner Agents

At International House we’re proud to work with quality language and travel agencies around the globe. We value the longstanding business relationships that have been built between us, and our mutual passion for studying abroad.

Browse our Valued Partner Agents directory to find details of those trusted agents who work with multiple IH schools.

Filter partner agents
Travel Zone

Travel Zone

Saudi Arabia

Telephone: 012 284 6171
Email: Yasser@travelzone.com.sa
Website: travelzone.com.sa

VCE International

VCE International


Telephone: +54 911 45509465
Email: info@vce-international.com
Website: www.vce-international.com

Yázigi Travel (YET Education & Travel)

Yázigi Travel (YET Education & Travel)


Telephone: +55 11 23683432
Email: mauraleao@yazigitravel.com.br
Website: www.yazigitravel.com.br