IH Bratislava

We have been here for you since 1999. We want to convince you that IH is the right choice. Our school is a place where you can find more than 90 teachers from 12 countries, who are able to transport you to a multicultural world in the centre of Bratislava.

We offer a wide range of courses including English, German, Slovak for foreigners, Spanish, Italian, Russian and French. You can choose face-to-face or Live online courses. Moreover, we are an authorised Cambridge English Exam centre.

International House Bratislava cares that our teachers are not only qualified but also that they progress in their careers and they improve their qualifications. Therefore if you are interested, you can join us.


  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish

Specialist Courses

  • Young Learners Courses
  • Corporate and Business Courses
  • Cambridge, IELTS or other Exam Preparation Courses


"The classes are engaging, very well structured and the teacher is amazing, as I can easily understand the subject and progress. I feel lucky to have such a well prepared and nice to work with, teacher."


Both of my teachers are great, I enjoy the classes and it's clear that the teachers try to make them as practical as possible - they make sure that we can really use the material we learn in practice.


Hello, the course was a great preparation for the exam. I learned how to proceed with each part of the exam, what to watch out for and what the recommendations are. The feedback from the lecturers on the individual texts that we sent them continuously was also very helpful. I can't think of anything I would change :).


We strongly believe in teacher development and thus we prepare and run methodology courses for teachers - both internal and external - and we are an authorised CELTA centre.

Also, we organise an annual ELT conference.

On top of that we have been offering Erasmus+ courses since 2020.


"Before the CELTA course, I had been teaching only one-on-one online English lessons. I couldn't imagine being able to conduct an effective lesson with more than one student. The course taught me, however, various methods and ways to deal with more students in one class effectively and efficiently. Moreover, I think that now I prefer group lessons over individual ones, which I thought would never happen. Thanks to the course I have also met and made friends with awesome people who taught me a lot about teaching English. With my tutors and trainee peers we have constantly exchanged opinions and ideas on how to hone our teaching techniques and create the lessons which our students would enjoy attending. Participation in the course really was an invaluable experience, and I can´t recommend it highly enough for all those who are serious about teaching English. And finally, a special thanks goes to our amazing tutors Laura and Stephanie whose passion and love for English is genuine and contagious. As you said Laura: “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”, and you made us feel wonderful the whole course."


After having lived and worked in London for the last 20 years, I reached a point where I was ready to change the course of my life. After finishing my master’s degree in Education, I started to look for something to give me that extra edge and a solid starting point in pursuing my teaching career. Then I came across CELTA. At first, I was not sure if CELTA would be what I needed. But I decided to pursue the certificate, and I am delighted to say that it was the best thing I could have done. You see, speaking a language and teaching it to other people are two very different things. Being a very intensive 4-week course, CELTA was packed with all the inside of how to approach language materials and turn them into a tool for effective communicative English language teaching. In combination with our tutors’ fantastic and constant support, real classroom teaching experiences and very well-sourced materials, it took me on a journey of self and language discovery. By the end of it I was ready to step in any classroom, anywhere in the world and teach away! Big thanks go to International House in Bratislava for organizing it and of course to our wonderful, experienced and knowledgeable tutors without who it would not be possible!


CELTA course at IH Bratislava has exceeded my expectations. The course was led by two highly professional teacher trainers who were able to help me develop my teaching skills in an effective but also very empathetic way. It is very demanding regarding time and effort but it is doable and absolutely worth it. The centre provided us with all the facilities and amenities that we needed. I am very satisfied and I can highly recommend this course to anyone who is serious about teaching English and wants to become an efficient teacher.


Teacher Training Courses

CELTA Centre

IH Bratislava is a CELTA Centre


Contact School

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