IH World: Embracing Change with a Brand Refresh

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with our global community. At IH World, we understand that staying ahead in the dynamic landscape of language education means continually evolving. That's why we're delighted to introduce our brand refresh - a modernised visual identity designed to better reflect our core values and meet the ever-changing needs of students. This update reflects our commitment to evolving in line with industry trends while accurately representing our organisation’s core values.

Why a Brand Refresh?

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a fresh and modern brand is essential. Research shows that “more than 60% of Millennial and Gen Z consumers prefer buying from brands that reflect their values” (Harvard Business Review). By modernising our brand, we ensure that our core values - commit to quality, embrace EDIB (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging), collaborate and share, innovate and transform and cultivate curiosity - resonate with today’s learners.

IHWO’s Managing Director, Emma Hoyle, shared, "This brand refresh signifies a step forward for IH World. It represents our commitment to evolving with our customers' needs and reaching a younger audience while aligning with our core values. We believe these changes will not only strengthen our brand identity but also enhance the sense of community and connection among our global network of schools."

What’s New?

Modern Visual Identity: Our iconic IH circle logo now features a sleek, 2D look with accessible, rounded elements. The familiar rainbow has a toned-down colour palette, reflecting a modern and professional aesthetic. We’ve also introduced two new typefaces, Aptos and Open Sans, designed for readability and accessibility.

Enhanced Brand Elements: We’ve introduced new brand elements to visually represent key aspects of our ethos: growth, innovation, excellence, knowledge, communication, and learning. These icons will help our schools create professional, branded designs effortlessly.

Marketing Hub: We’re launching a brand new Marketing Hub, filled with ready-made materials to integrate the new branding elements and save time for our schools’ marketing teams.

IH World’s Marketing Manager, Giuliana Faldetta, expressed, "As someone who works with our brand every day, this refresh provides us with the tools to create more dynamic and engaging designs. The new elements allow us to better convey our values and mission, and I’m confident they will make our marketing efforts more impactful and resonate more with our audience."

The Importance of Consistency

“Maintaining a consistent brand presentation across all platforms can boost revenue by as much as 23%” (Lucidpress). Our brand manual will guide IH schools in creating designs that accurately represent the IH brand, ensuring a consistent look and feel across all communications that customers will recognise at every touchpoint.

Expanding Horizons

Founded in 1953, International House is a global network of over 130 schools in 45 countries, spanning every continent. Our vision is 'bringing the world together through language,' and our mission is 'to ensure quality education and training by empowering each other to grow, innovate, and excel.'

These changes aim to visually express our organisation’s ethos and appeal to today’s audience. We are delighted to start sharing this new visual identity with the world and excited to see how our global audiences engage with it.