Smarter Teaching, Smarter Learning - A Webinar Series from IH Portugal
Fresh classroom ideas for language teachers from industry experts.
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8 February 2025
09:00 to 17:00
IH World is delighted to announce that the IH Language Teacher Training Festival will take place online on Saturday 8th February 2025.
We invite language teachers from around the world to join us for a series of sessions/workshops on trending topics in the language education industry. It is an opportunity to engage in professional development, connect with teachers in different working contexts and open your mind to new strategies, tools and ideas.
This event is open to all language teachers around the world from any organisation/institution.
Sessions will be held in Arabic, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
Arabic | Arabic | French | French | German | German |
Session Time | Session Title | Session Time | Session Title | Session Time | Session Title |
11 - 11:30 GMT |
فتح أسرار الأبجدية العربية : دراسة مقارنة لاستراتيجيات التعليم |
9:15 - 9:45 GMT | La culture en classe de FLE | 10 - 10:45 GMT | "Schnelle" Aktivitäten für den Sprachunterricht |
11:35 -12:20 GMT | استراتيجيات لتنمية الثروة اللغوية لدي الطلاب غير الناطقين بالعربية | 10 - 10:45 GMT | Enseigner le FLE à travers l’art | 10:45 – 11:25 GMT | Und noch’n Gedicht! |
12:25 - 12:55 GMT | أفضل ممارسات الذكاء الاصطناعي في تدريس العربي | 12:15 - 12:45 GMT | Le cinéma : support riche pour développer les interactions en classe de FLE | 11:30 – 12:10 GMT | KI-Werkzeuge für Sprachlehrer:innen und -lerner:innen |
13 - 13.45 GMT | دمج التنوع اللغوي في الفصل الدراسي المتوسط باستخدام المنهج التواصلي | 13:00 - 13:45 GMT | Moins on en fait, mieux les étudiants se portent | 12:15 – 12:55 GMT | Warum sind authentische Hörtexte im Unterricht wichtig? |
Italian | Italian | Spanish | Spanish |
Session Time | Session Title | Session Time | Session Title |
10:15- 10:55 GMT | Una pagina per due: una rivista per chi impara e per chi insegna l’italiano | 14:00 – 14:30 GMT | Ideas para una comprensión auditiva más efectiva |
11:00- 11:55 GMT | Strategie di Ascolto | 15:00 – 15:45 GMT | ¿Ser o no ser? ¡Estar! (¡es la cuestión!) |
12:00- 12:55 GMT | Produzione Orale: teoria e tecniche | 16:00 – 16:30 GMT | Vigilancia y castigo en exceso en el aula: una práctica contraproducente para el aprendizaje |
13:15- 14:00 GMT | Perché non sono un'insegnante di italiano | 17:00 – 17:30 GMT | La Dualidad de la Lengua Materna: Aliada y Reto en la Adquisición de una Nueva Lengua |
فتح أسرار الأبجدية العربية : دراسة مقارنة لاستراتيجيات التعليم
تقديم: يمنى شامي
عن الورشة
تهدف هذه الورشة إلى تحسين تعلم الأبجدية العربية لغير الناطقين بها في المستوى الجامعي من خلال إجراء دراسة مقارنة بين الأساليب الحالية، كما تمثلها كتب "ألف باء"، "عربية الناس"، "العربية للحياة"، "أهلاً وسهلاً"، و"إتقان اللغة العربية"، بالإضافة إلى نهج مبتكر مقدم في الدورة الإلكترونية "العربية للمبتدئين" التي طورتها الباحثة. تعتمد الأساليب الحالية بشكل كبير على الرموز الصوتية الإنجليزية والجداول الصوتية، مما يشكل تحديات للمتعلمين في نطق الحروف التي ليس لها مرادفات مباشرة في اللغة الإنجليزية. بالمقابل، يعتمد محتوى "العربية للمبتدئين" نهجًا جديدًا يتمثل في تقديم الحروف دون استخدام الرموز الصوتية أو الترجمة الإنجليزية، والاعتماد بدلاً من ذلك على الصور والتسجيلات الصوتية والكلمات المرتبطة لتسهيل التعلم بشكل طبيعي.
خلال هذه الورشة ستعرض يمنى هذه المنهجية لتسهيل عملية تعلم الأبجدية عن طريق تتبع إطار عمل "استمع، شاهد، كرر، قلد، وأنتج".
عن يمنى
يمنى شامي مدرسة للغة العربية للطلاب الأجانب في الجامعة اللبنانية الأمريكية في بيروت و الجامعة الاميركية في بيروت و قبل ذلك عملت كمحاضرة للغة العربية في جامعة كورنيل في نيويورك في أمريكا وجامعة مونتيري في كاليفورنيا. نشرت في ٢٠١٥ كتاب 'عربية الناس 'الجزء الثالث وفي سنة ٢٠٢٤ نشرت كتاب تعليم العربية للمبتدئين عبر منصة الجامعة اللبنانية الاميركية في بيروت.
Unlocking Arabic: A Comparative Exploration of Learning Strategies for Non-Native Speakers
This workshop aims to enhance the learning of the alphabet for non-native speakers at the college level by conducting a comparative study between existing methods, as represented in Alif Baa, ʿArabiyyat al-Naas, Ahlan wa Sahlan, and Mastering Arabic alongside an innovative approach in the "Arabic for Beginners" online course developed by the author. Current methods rely on English transliteration and sound tables, presenting challenges to the non-native learner in pronunciation for letters without direct English equivalents. In contrast, the "Arabic for Beginners" course adopts a novel approach by introducing letters without transliteration or translation, relying on images, voice recordings, and other ways.
During the workshop, Yomna will guide us into this methodology, which emphasizes repetition and follows a “Listen, Watch, Repeat, Mimic, and Produce” framework.
Yomna Chami - Arabic instructor at the American University of Beirut and the Lebanese American University in Beirut. Prior to that, I was an Arabic lecturer at Cornell University in NY USA, and co-authored Arabiyyat al Naas part three: advanced Arabic textbook for non-native speakers.
استراتيجيات لتنمية الثروة اللغوية لدي الطلاب غير الناطقين بالعربية
تقديم: سماح كامل
عن الورشة
تُقدّم الورشة للمعلمين استراتيجيات مبتكرة لتعزيز اكتساب المفردات للمتعلمين غير الناطقين بالعربية. وتُبرز أهمية المفردات في تعلم اللغة، مع تناول التحديات الشائعة التي يواجهها المبتدئون، مثل صعوبات النطق وضعف القدرة على التذكر.
تتضمن الاستراتيجيات الرئيسية أساليب تفاعلية مثل التعلم من خلال الألعاب التربوية، والمهام التعاونية، واستخدام الأدب والقصص لتوفير سياق غني وهادف. كما يتم تقديم تقنيات تقوية الذاكرة مثل الربط متعدد الوسائط واستخدام الوسائل المساعدة على التذكر.
تركز الورشة على أهمية التكرار والتفاعل الأصيل مع اللغة لضمان تمكّن الطلاب من المفردات واستخدامها بشكل فعال في المواقف الواقعية
عن سماح
خبرة سماح في تدريس العربية تزيد عن 28 عاما، كما تعمل كباحثة للدكتوراة في مناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة العربية ، صممت العديد من المناهج والكتب التي تم نشرها في كثير من دور النشر الكبرى ، شاركت بأوراق بحثية وورش عمل في العديد من المؤتمرات الدولية ، نشرت العديد من القصص والأغاني و هي مؤسسة قناة سارة ولوز لتعليم اللغة العربية للأطفال.
Strategies for Building the Vocabulary of Non-Native Arabic Students
The workshop provides educators with innovative strategies to enhance vocabulary acquisition for non-native Arabic learners. It highlights the importance of vocabulary in language learning and addresses common beginner challenges like pronunciation and memory retention. Key strategies include interactive methods such as gamified learning, collaborative tasks, and using literature and storytelling to create a meaningful context. Memory techniques like multimodal associations and mnemonic devices are also introduced.
The workshop emphasises repetition and authentic interaction to ensure students grasp vocabulary and apply it effectively in real-life scenarios.
Samah Kamel, with over 28 years of experience in teaching Arabic to native and non-native speakers, is a Ph.D. researcher in Arabic language curricula and teaching methods. She has designed numerous curricula and textbooks published by major publishing houses. She has presented research papers and conducted workshops at various international conferences. As a writer, she has published numerous stories and songs and is the founder of the "Sarah and Louz" channel for teaching Arabic to children.
أفضل ممارسات الذكاء الاصطناعي في تدريس العربي
(لقاء نقاشي لتبادل الخبرات)
تقديم: وسام سيد
عن اللقاء
تستكشف هذه الجلسة كيف يمكن لمعلمي اللغة العربية استخدام أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي بفعالية في فصولهم الدراسية. هذا اللقاء مصمم لتعزيز التبادل التعاوني بين المشاركين حول أفضل الممارسات لدمج أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي في تدريس اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها. فمع توفر العديد من الأدوات، قد يكون من الصعب تحديد الأدوات التي تستحق الوقت والجهد. من خلال المناقشات الجماعية، سيعرض المشاركون تجاربهم، ويشاركون نصائح عملية، ويستكشفون الأدوات والاستراتيجيات الأكثر فعالية.
عن وسام
معلمة لغة عربية للناطقين بغيرها منذ عام 2007، درّست في عدة مؤسسات بالقاهرة منها "إنترناشونال هاوس" من عام 2010 حتى 2019. تعمل حاليًا كمحاضرة للغة العربية في إحدى الجامعات الهولندية، وتشغل منصب مستشارة اللغة العربية في إنترناشونال هاوس
Best Practices for AI in Teaching Arabic (Interactive Session for Sharing Ideas)
In this session, we will explore how Arabic teachers can effectively use AI tools in the classroom. The session aims to foster a collaborative exchange of ideas on best practices for using AI tools in Arabic education for non-native speakers. With a lot of options accessible, it may be difficult to choose those which are truly worth your time and effort. Through group discussions, participants will share their experiences, discover practical tips, and explore the most effective tools and strategies. Together, we will find ways to make AI a powerful ally in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers.
Wessam Sayed has been an Arabic teacher for non-native speakers since 2007, she taught at IH Cairo from 2010 to 2019. She currently teaches Arabic at a Dutch university and serves as the Arabic Advisor at International World Organisation.
دمج التنوع اللغوي في الفصل الدراسي المتوسط باستخدام المنهج التواصلي - جوناثان فذرستون
عن الورشة
ستقدم ورشة العمل سلسلة من التدريبات والتمارين التواصلية المصممة لمساعدة الطلبة على التعامل مع التنوع اللغوي الموجود في اللغة العربية. سيتمكن المشاركون من تجربة التدريبات بأنفسهم ، ثم ستتم دعوتهم للتقييم هذه التدريبات من حيث فعاليتها في مساعدة الطلبة على القيام بالتواصل الطبيعي في فصول القراءة الخاصة بهم.
كما سيتم تشجيع المشاركين على تصميم المزيد من التدريبات لمساعدة الطلبة على التعامل مع التنوع اللغوي في اللغة العربية.
عن جوناثان
جوناثان فذرستون درّس اللغة العربية في مؤسسات تعليمية عديدة منها معهد الدفاع، ومكتب الشؤون الخارجية والكومنولث، وجامعتي كامبريدج وإدنبرة. كما يعمل مدربًا لمعلمي العربية للناطقين بغيرها. قدّم دورات تدريبية وورش عمل في الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة والإمارات العربية المتحدة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك جوناثان مؤلف لعدد من كتب تعليم اللغة العربية، مثل سلسلة BBC Talk Arabic وسلسلة عربية الناس
Integrating Language Variation into the Intermediate Classroom Using the Integrated Approach
The workshop will present a series of communicative drills and exercises to help learners cope with language variation in Arabic in particular between reading and speaking. Participants will try and then evaluate the drills and exercises in terms of how effective they are in helping learners achieve natural communication. Participants will also be given the chance to design their own exercises to help their learners handle language variation.
Jonathan Featherstone has taught Arabic at the Defence School of Languages, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh. He is also a teacher trainer and has delivered training courses and workshops in the US, UK and UAE. Jonathan is also the author of several Arabic coursebooks such as BBC Talk Arabic and the Arabiyyat al Naas series.
IH World est ravi de vous annoncer que le Festival IH de formation des professeurs de langues (IH Language Teacher Training Festival) aura lieu en ligne le samedi 8 février 2025.
Nous invitons les professeurs de langues du monde entier à nous rejoindre pour une série de sessions/ateliers sur des thèmes courants dans le domaine de l’apprentissage des langues étrangères. Ce sera l’opportunité d’enrichir votre pratique de classe, d’échanger avec des professeurs travaillant dans des contextes variés et de découvrir de nouvelles stratégies, outils et idées.
Cet évènement est ouvert à tous les professeurs de langues à travers le monde, venant de tout type d’organisation ou d’établissement.
Nous proposerons des sessions en allemand, arabe, espagnol, français et italien.
La culture occupe une place essentielle dans les cours de français, car elle enrichit l'apprentissage linguistique et aide à mieux comprendre la langue dans son ensemble. Elle ne se limite pas à l'acquisition de vocabulaire ou à la maîtrise de la grammaire : il s'agit aussi de découvrir les traditions, les modes de vie, la musique, et bien d'autres aspects. Cependant, enseigner ces thèmes peut parfois sembler complexe. Cet atelier propose des activités dynamiques et pratiques pour intégrer ces éléments culturels en classe et engager efficacement les apprenants.
Emilie Potel - Je suis formatrice depuis plus de 10 ans et j’ occupe également le poste de coordinatrice pédagogique. Passionnée par l'enseignement, je cherche sans cesse à innover et à dynamiser mes pratiques en classe. Curieuse et créative, j’ aime explorer de nouvelles techniques pédagogiques pour engager mes apprenants et rendre l'apprentissage plus interactif.
Culture in the French Class
Culture has a special place in French courses, as it enhances language learning and helps develop a better understanding of the target language. It goes beyond vocabulary acquisition or mastering grammar rules-it is also about discovering traditions, life styles, music, among many other areas. However, it can sometimes seem tricky to teach these topics. This workshop will suggest dynamic and practical activities which integrate various cultural aspects in class while engaging learners effectively.
Emilie Potel - I have been a teacher for 10 years and I am also currently a director of studies. I have a passion for teaching and always strive to innovate and develop my practice to energise the class. Being curious and creative, I enjoy exploring new pedagogical strategies to engage learners and make learning more interactive.
Les oeuvres artistiques peuvent être source d'émerveillement ou de polémique et refléter aussi bien la société que l'histoire. En cela, l'art nous offre une variété de déclencheurs permettant d'éveiller l'intérêt des apprenants et d'encourager leur participation. L'objectif de cette session est de réfléchir à l'utilisation de l'art dans l'apprentissage du français. Nous verrons quelques activités de classe favorisant le développement de compétences langagières et culturelles.
Marian Pérez de Barradas est professeur de FLE depuis 27 ans. Elle travaille à Lacunza-IH à San Sébastian depuis 18 ans où elle s’est spécialisée dans l’enseignement des enfants et des adolescents. Elle est formatrice de professeurs, elle a présenté divers ateliers de formation et élaboré du matériel didactique et pédagogique. Elle est actuellement directrice du département de français.
Teaching French through art
Works of art can amaze or be controversial, they can translate society as well as history. As such, art offers multiple springboards to raise the learners’ interest and increase their participation. This session aims to reflect on the use of art in language learning. We will discuss a few class activities which support language and cultural skills.
Marian Pérez de Barradas has been a French teacher for 27 years. She has worked at Lacunza, IH San Sebastian for 18 years, where she has specialised in teaching children and teenagers. She is also a teacher trainer and has run a variety of training sessions as well as developed teaching and training materials. She is currently the French director of studies at Lacunza.
Le 7ème art fait partie intégrante de la culture francophone. Au-delà du simple divertissement, les films nous offrent non seulement une fenêtre sur le monde et la langue, mais une multitude de ressources authentiques tout aussi riches que motivantes. L’objectif de cet atelier est de présenter quelques activités pédagogiques sur le cinéma qui permettent aux apprenants de développer de manière collaborative leur créativité tout en découvrant divers aspects culturels et linguistiques.
Marion Reifenrath - J’enseigne le français langue étrangère à Nice aux Ateliers FL-IH et coordonne l’équipe enseignante de nos différentes écoles en France qui accueillent des adolescents, des adultes aux objectifs variés et des étudiants en partenariat avec différentes universités.
Movies: a rich resource to develop interaction in the French class
The 7th art is integral to French-speaking culture. Beyond entertainment, films not only offer a window to the world and the target language, but also multiple authentic resources, which are as rich as motivating. The aim of this workshop is to present some pedagogical activities around films, which support learners to develop their creativity collaboratively as well as discover a variety of cultural and linguistic aspects.
Marion Reifenrath - I teach French as a foreign language in the Atelier FL, IH Nice and lead the teaching team for all our schools in France, which welcome teenagers and adults with varied objectives as well as students in partnership with several universities.
Dans un secteur éducatif où les ressources abondent et les applis se multiplient, un surplus d’activités peut être inversement proportionnel à l’apprentissage. En outre, les apprenants sont souvent en demande de supports multiples, ayant la perception que plus on les nourrit, plus ils apprennent. Dans cette session, nous identifierons les stratégies permettant de recentrer les classes sur un apprentissage qualitatif afin d’éviter l’indigestion, de développer la production des apprenants et de les aider à progresser, tout en rendant la vie du/de la professeur plus facile !
Estelle Hélouin est responsable FLE et coordinatrice des langues modernes pour IHWO. Elle est également formatrice et mentor et travaille principalement dans le secteur de l’éducation pour adultes. Elle s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux stratégies d’apprentissage et à une approche collaborative du développement professionnel.
The less we do, the better our students grow
In an educational domain swamped with resources and apps, an excess of activities can have the opposite effect on the amount of learning. At the same time, learners often ask for even more content, as they feel the more input we give them, the more they learn. In this session, we will identify strategies which allow us to refocus the course on qualitative learning in order to avoid indigestion, develop learners’ production and help them progress while making the teacher’s life easier!
Estelle Hélouin is the French advisor and language coordinator for IHWO. She also works as a trainer and mentor, mainly in adult education. Her main areas of interest include learning strategies and a collaborative approach to professional development.
IH World freut sich, bekannt zu geben, dass das IH Festival für Sprachlehrer:innen am Samstag, den 8. Februar 2025, online stattfinden wird.
Wir laden Sprachlehrer:innen aus der ganzen Welt ein, an einer Reihe von Seminaren und Workshops zu aktuellen Themen der Sprachlehrbranche teilzunehmen. Dies ist eine großartige Gelegenheit, sich beruflich weiterzuentwickeln, sich mit Lehrkräften aus unterschiedlichen Arbeitskontexten zu vernetzen und neue Strategien, Werkzeuge und Ideen kennenzulernen.
Diese Veranstaltung steht Sprachlehrer:innen aus aller Welt offen, unabhängig von der Organisation oder Institution, der sie angehören.
Die Sitzungen werden in Arabisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch und Spanisch abgehalten.
In unserem Workshop werden wir uns mit kleinen, effektiven 5-Minuten-Aktivitäten beschäftigen, die sich hervorragend zur Auflockerung oder als Einführung in neue Themen im Sprachunterricht eignen.
Gemeinsam werden wir verschiedene Aktivitäten ausprobieren und erörtern, wann, warum und wie man diese gezielt einsetzen kann. Unser Ziel ist es, herauszufinden, wie solche kurzen Übungen das Sprachenlernen unserer Teilnehmer:innen effektiv unterstützen können. Darüber hinaus werden wir auch besprechen, wie diese Aktivitäten dazu beitragen können, die Gruppendynamik zu fördern und eine positive Lernatmosphäre zu schaffen.
Freut euch auf einen interaktiven Austausch und viele praktische Ideen, die ihr direkt in euren Unterricht integrieren könnt!
Birthe Beigel ist die DoS bei IH Hamburg. Seit 2007 arbeitet sie als Lehrerin und Teacher Trainerin und ist außerdem Autorin verschiedener Lehrbuchmaterialien. Zu ihren Qualifikationen gehören ein MA in Pädagogik, das Cambridge CELTA und DELTA. Mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung hat sie ein besonderes Interesse an Gruppendynamik, Klassenmanagement und der Gestaltung kreativer Kursmaterialien.
Quick" Activities for Language Teaching
In this workshop, we will explore short, effective 5-minute activities that are perfect for warming up or introducing new topics in language teaching.
Together, we will try out various activities and discuss when, why, and how to use them effectively. Our goal is to discover how such short exercises can effectively support the language learning of our participants. Additionally, we will discuss how these activities can help foster group dynamics and create a positive learning atmosphere.
Look forward to an interactive exchange and plenty of practical ideas that you can directly integrate into your lessons!
Birthe Beigel is the DoS at IH Hamburg. She has worked as a teacher and teacher trainer since 2007 and is also the author of a variety of coursebook materials. Her qualifications include an MA in pedagogy, Cambridge CELTA and DELTA. With over 15 years of experience, she has a special interest in group dynamics, classroom management and creative course material design.
In diesem Workshop geht es nicht darum, wie man am besten Gedichte auswendig lernt oder sie interpretiert – denn das eine fand ich schon als Schülerin zu anstrengend und das andere eher langweilig. Stattdessen schauen wir uns an, wie man das Schreiben von Gedichten als kreativen Prozess für das Sprachenlernen nutzen kann, wobei eine Differenzierung für verschiedene Lernende schon automatisch Teil der Idee ist. Spitzt euren Bleistift, denn es wird sehr praktisch!
Anette Igel ist Lehrerin sowie Aus- und Fortbildnerin für Englisch und DaF/DaZ. Sie ist seit 2003 mit International House verbunden und hat unter anderem in Tschechien, Rumänien, der Ukraine und Deutschland gearbeitet. Sie ist außerdem die Koordinatorin für Deutschtrainer:innen für die IH World Organisation. Sie hat einen MA in “Schule und Inklusion” und interessiert sich für Ideen und Möglichkeiten, inklusiven Unterricht für alle bieten zu können.
And another Poem!
This workshop isn’t about how to memorize or interpret poems – as a student, I found the former too tiring and the latter rather boring. Instead, we’ll explore how writing poetry can be used as a creative process for language learning, where differentiation for various learners is already built into the idea. Sharpen your pencils, because it’s going to be very hands-on!
Anette Igel is a teacher and trainer for English and German as a Foreign/Second Language (DaF/DaZ). She has been associated with International House since 2003, working in countries such as the Czech Republic, Romania, Ukraine, and Germany. She is also the German trainer coordinator for the IH World Organization. She holds an MA in “Education and Inclusion” and is passionate about exploring ideas and possibilities for offering inclusive education to all.
In diesem praxisorientierten Webinar entdecken wir einige Inspirationen, wie KI-Tools den Sprachunterricht bereichern können. Wir besprechen eine Auswahl an KI-Tools und Anwendungen, die Lehrkräften helfen, Zeit und Energie zu sparen, personalisiertes Lernen zu fördern, Sprachbewertungen zu optimieren und die Interaktion im Klassenzimmer zu steigern. Dieses Webinar richtet sich sowohl an technisch versierte als auch an Anfänger:innen unter den Lehrkräften. Ziel der Veranstaltung sind konkrete Strategien, wie KI in die Unterrichtspraxis integriert werden kann, um Lernergebnisse zu verbessern und Arbeitsbelastung zu reduzieren. Herzlich willkommen zu einer kurzen Entdeckungsreise in das Potenzial der KI für den Sprachunterricht!
Sylvia Dally ist Lehrkraft aus Leidenschaft mit 25 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung. Sie erhielt ihre akademische Ausbildung an der Uni Hamburg in Japanologie, Koreanistik und Ethnologie und hat über glückliche Umwege ihren Weg in verschiedene Bereiche der Erwachsenenbildung gefunden. Ihre Begeisterung für das Lernen und den Wissensaustausch motiviert sie, neue Werkzeuge und Methoden zu erforschen, und neben der klassischen Weiterbildung für Lehrkräfte verfolgt sie seit langem Fortbildungen in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Wohlergehen, die sie in Workshops weitergibt. Ihr Anliegen ist, andere Lehrkräfte dabei zu unterstützen, innovative Ansätze zu entdecken, um ihren Arbeitsalltag und Unterricht zu bereichern und ihre LernerInnen erfolgreich einzubinden.
AI Tools for Language Teachers and Learners
In this hands-on webinar, we’ll explore how AI tools can enhance language teaching. We’ll discuss a selection of AI tools and applications that help teachers save time and energy, promote personalized learning, optimize language assessment, and increase classroom interaction.
This webinar is aimed at both tech-savvy and beginner teachers. The goal is to provide concrete strategies for integrating AI into teaching practice to improve learning outcomes and reduce workload. Join us for a brief journey into the potential of AI for language teaching!
Sylvia Dally is a passionate educator with 25 years of teaching experience. She received her academic training at the University of Hamburg in Japanese Studies, Korean Studies, and Ethnology and found her way into various areas of adult education through several detours. Her enthusiasm for learning and knowledge exchange motivates her to explore new tools and methods. In addition to classical teacher training, she has pursued long-term professional development in the areas of health and well-being, which she shares in workshops. Her goal is to support other educators in discovering innovative approaches to enrich their daily work and teaching while successfully engaging their learners.
Jedes moderne Lehrwerk beinhaltet mehrere Hörtexte zum Üben des Hörverstehens. Je moderner das Lehrwerk, desto mehr Dialoge mit Hintergrundgeräuschen und mit umgangssprachlichen Ausdrücken. Aber ich frage mich, ob das genug ist, um unsere Schüler:innen auf die reale Kommunikation vorzubereiten. In meiner Masterarbeit vergleiche ich, wie Muttersprachler:innen die Hörtexte aus den Lehrwerken vorlesen mit den Aufnahmen aus den Lehrwerken. In dieser Präsentation möchte ich die Ergebnisse dieser Analyse vorstellen und darauf eingehen, warum es so wichtig ist, nicht nur didaktisierte, sondern auch authentische Hörbeispiele in den Unterricht einzubeziehen.
Ich teile gerne meine Ideen mit, wie und mit welchen Tools man authentische Hörbeispiele im Unterricht einsetzten kann.
Ekaterina Surkova arbeitet als DaF-Lehrerin bei für IH Berlin. Parallel dazu schreibt sie an ihrer Masterarbeit an der Technischen Universität Berlin zum Thema “authetische Hörtexte”. Sie hat einen Bachelor in Germanistik abgeschlossen und anschließend eine DaF-Ausbildung am Goethe Institut gemacht. Sie interessiert sich für den Klang der Sprache interessiert: Sei es die Aussprache oder das Hörverstehen.
Why Are Authentic Listening Texts Important in Teaching?
Every modern coursebook includes several listening texts to practice listening comprehension. The more modern the coursebook, the more dialogues with background noises and colloquial expressions it includes. However, I wonder if this is enough to prepare our students for real-life communication.
In my master’s thesis, I compare how native speakers read aloud listening texts from coursebooks with the recordings from the coursebooks. In this presentation, I want to share the results of this analysis and highlight why it’s important to include not only adapted but also authentic listening examples in the classroom.
I’m happy to share my ideas on how and with which tools authentic listening examples can be used effectively in lessons.
Ekaterina Surkova works as a German as a Foreign Language (DaF) teacher for IH Berlin. She is also writing her master’s thesis at the Technical University of Berlin on the topic of “authentic listening texts.” She holds a bachelor’s degree in German Studies and subsequently completed her DaF training at the Goethe Institute. She is particularly interested in the sound of language, including pronunciation and listening comprehension.
IH World ha il piacere di annunciare il Festival di formazione per insegnanti di lingue che si terrà online sabato, 8 febbraio 2025.
Tutti gli insegnanti di lingue del mondo sono invitati a partecipare a una serie di sessioni e workshop su temi di tendenza nel campo della didattica. Sarà un’occasione unica per lavorare sul proprio sviluppo professionale, creare connessioni con insegnanti che appartengono a diverse aree e contesti e per aprirsi a nuove strategie, strumenti e idee.
Questo evento è accessibile a tutti gli insegnanti di lingue del mondo appartenenti a ogni organizzazione/istituzione.
Saranno disponibili sessioni in arabo, francese, italiano, spagnolo e tedesco.
La rivista online Italiano Magazine nasce dal desiderio di mettere a disposizione la nostra esperienza di 40 anni come insegnanti di lingua italiana e formatori per insegnanti. Chi studia o semplicemente ama la nostra lingua può trovare nella rivista articoli riguardanti l’Italia e l’italiano. Ci sono inoltre attività grammaticali da svolgere, con relative soluzioni. Chi insegna può trovare materiale da usare in classe e articoli di didattica. Ci piaceva l’idea di proporre qualcosa che studenti e insegnanti potessero condividere per far coincidere i propri obiettivi.
Rita Luzi e Piero Catizone, curatori di Italiano Magazine, sono entrambi cofondatori della scuola DI.L.IT. I.H. di Roma. Sono stati insegnanti e formatori di insegnanti nel Dipartimento di Ricerca creato insieme a Christopher Humphries; hanno tenuto corsi di formazione sia in Italia che all’estero; sono stati relatori in seminari internazionali e hanno scritto testi per l’insegnamento della lingua italiana a stranieri. Hanno inoltre avuto incarichi di responsabilità di gestione in diversi settori all’interno della scuola DILIT IH. Continuano oggi a coltivare la passione per l’insegnamento e la formazione con la rivista online Italiano Magazine.
A Page for Two: a magazine for those who learn and teach Italian
We created the online Italian Magazine because we wanted to share our expertise and make our 40-year experience as Italian language teachers and trainers available. Those who study or simply love our language can find articles about Italy, its culture and the Italian language.
There are also grammar activities, with keys and teachers will find materials to use in class and teaching articles. We were thrilled by the idea of providing a tool that students and teachers could share to make their goals coincide.
Rita Luzi and Piero Catizone, editors of the online Italian Magazine, are both co-founders of the DILIT IH Rome. They have been teachers and teacher trainers in the research department created together with Christopher Humphries. Rita and Piero have held training courses both in Italy and abroad; they have been speakers at international seminars and have written coursebooks and texts for teaching Italian to foreigners. They have also held positions of management responsibility in various sectors within the DILIT IH school. Today they have extended their passion for teaching and training to the online Italian magazine.
La presentazione si concentrerà sulle strategie di ascolto, esplorando gli approcci top-down e bottom-up, e fornendo indicazioni su come strutturare efficacemente una lezione di ascolto per gli studenti.
Valeria Maruggi si occupa dell'insegnamento della lingua inglese da oltre undici anni, con esperienze sia in Italia che all'estero. Da qualche anno, è anche academic manager e teacher trainer. Ricopre attualmente il ruolo di Director of Studies presso IH Lecce. Valeria utilizza la sua grande creatività per sviluppare materiali didattici e lezioni che siano stimolanti ed efficaci, trasmettendo la sua passione anche ad altri insegnanti e studenti.
Listening Strategies
The talk will focus on listening skill strategies, exploring top-down and bottom-up approaches, and providing guidance on how to effectively plan a listening lesson for our learners.
Valeria Maruggi has been teaching English for over eleven years, both in Italy and abroad. She has also been an academic manager and teacher trainer. She is currently Director of Studies at IH Lecce. Valeria uses her great creativity to develop teaching materials and lessons that are stimulating and effective, transmitting her passion to other teachers and students.
Durante la sessione gli insegnanti saranno invitati a riflettere sull’importanza di far parlare gli studenti nella lingua bersaglio al fine di complessificarne l’interlingua.
Susanna Andrei è insegnante di Italiano presso la Dilit IH da 30 anni. Da circa 10 anni è anche formatrice di insegnanti ed è attualmente responsabile del Dipartimento di Formazione e Ricerca della Dilit. Si occupa di formazione interna ed esterna. Ha tenuto corsi di formazione all’estero, in presenza ed online, e tiene corsi di formazione anche nella scuola pubblica italiana. Susanna organizza il Seminario Internazionale che si tiene annualmente presso Dilit IH Roma.
Oral production: Theory and techniques
Over this session, teachers will be invited to reflect about the importance of having students speak in the target language in order to make their interlanguage more complex.
Susanna Andrei has been an Italian teacher at Dilit IH for 30 years and a teacher trainer, both in her school and for other centres, for about 10 years. She is currently responsible for the Department of Training and Research at Dilit. Susanna has led training courses abroad, face to face and online, and also holds training courses in Italian public schools. Susanna organises the annual International Seminar for Italian teachers at Dilit IH Rome.
In questa sessione interattiva esploreremo l'idea che non esiste un modo per insegnare o addirittura imparare l'italiano, ma come coinvolgere i nostri studenti in esperienze significative in italiano consenta loro di diventare comunicatori efficaci e cittadini del mondo.
Chiara ha iniziato la sua storia presso International House Palermo alla tenera età di 8 anni; prima come studentessa, poi come insegnante di italiano e di inglese, YL DoS e YL e CLIL Teacher Trainer. Chiara è stata IHWO Italian Advisor per quasi un decennio e tutor online per IH World. Ha condotto numerose sessioni di formazione online per insegnanti di italiano da tutto il mondo.
Why I'm not an Italian teacher
In this interactive session, we are going to explore the idea that there is not such a thing as teaching Italian or even learning Italian but how engaging our learners in meaningful experiences in Italian allows them to become effective communicators and global citizens.
Chiara started at International House Palermo at the tender age of 8; first, as a student, she has risen to become YL DoS and YL and CLIL Teacher Trainer. Chiara has been the IHWO Italian Advisor for almost a decade and an online tutor for IH World. She has led a number of online training sessions for Italian teachers from all over the world.
IH World se complace en anunciar que el Festival IH de Formación para Profesores de Lenguas 2025 se celebrará en línea el sábado 8 de febrero de 2025.
Invitamos a profesores de idiomas de todo el mundo a unirse a nosotros en una serie de sesiones y talleres sobre temas actuales en la industria de la educación de idiomas. Este evento brinda una oportunidad para participar en el desarrollo profesional, conectar con docentes en distintos contextos laborales y abrir la mente a nuevas estrategias, herramientas e ideas.
Este evento está abierto a todos los profesores de idiomas de cualquier organización o institución alrededor del mundo.
Las sesiones se realizarán en árabe, francés, alemán, italiano y español.
Ofrecer un contexto sobre las dificultades que presentan los estudiantes de español como segunda lengua en las destrezas de comprensión auditiva. Brindar información teórica sobre los tipos de escucha que hay, así como una serie de técnicas y ejercicios para una puesta en práctica mucho más efectiva.
Vidal Peregrina es Licenciado en Ciencias de la Comunicación por el Iteso. Trabajó para el Colegio de Español y Cultura Mexicana de la Universidad de Guadalajara de 2012 a 2024. Es examinador acreditado por el Instituto Cervantes y tutor en el Diplomado Internacional de Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera de International House. Actualmente también es Asesor Académico en Alegre Schools y asistente en labores de coordinación en IH Condesa.
Ideas for More Effective Listening Comprehension
Providing context on the challenges faced by students of Spanish as a second language in listening skills. Offering theoretical information on the types of listening and a series of techniques and exercises for much more effective practice.
Vidal Peregrina is a graduate of Communication Sciences from ITESO. He worked for the Colegio de Español y Cultura Mexicana at the University of Guadalajara from 2012 to 2024. He is a certified examiner by Instituto Cervantes and a tutor in the International Diploma in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language at International House. He is also an Academic Advisor at Alegre Schools and an assistant coordinator at IH Condesa.
Cambiante, permanente, temporal, definición, acción, ¿cómo? ¿qué? ¿Cuántas veces hemos usado en nuestras clases alguna de estas ideas para explicar los usos de SER y ESTAR? ¿Son convenientes para nuestros estudiantes? ¿Estamos convencidos como profesores?
En esta sesión vamos a responder a estas y a otras cuestiones y compartiremos reflexiones e ideas para llevar con más confianza al aula la explicación y práctica de este par de verbos.
Licenciado en Filología Románica e Hispánica por la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), Ignacio Grande Ruiz comienza como profesor de español en la misma universidad de 1999 a 2005. En 2006 llega a IH San Sebastián como profesor y después empieza la aventura de ser DOS y hasta la actualidad. Impartición de Cursos de Formación de Profesores en los Programas de la Universidad del País Vasco e Instituto Cervantes.
To Be or Not to Be? To Be! (That Is the Question!)
Changing, permanent, temporary, definition, action, how? what? How many times have we used these ideas in our classes to explain the uses of SER and ESTAR? Are they useful for our students? Are we as teachers convinced? In this session, we will answer these and other questions, sharing reflections and ideas to bring more confidence to the classroom when explaining and practising this pair of verbs.
Ignacio Grande Ruiz holds a degree in Romance and Hispanic Philology from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). He has been with IH San Sebastián since 2006, serving as a teacher and later as Director of Studies. He coordinates DELE exams, oversees external programs, and delivers teacher training courses in collaboration with the University of the Basque Country and Instituto Cervantes. His work is driven by vocation, passion, and a continuous desire to learn and grow in education.
La vigilancia y el castigo excesivos en el aula pueden parecer medidas efectivas para mantener el orden, pero en realidad pueden ser contraproducentes para el aprendizaje. Cuando los estudiantes se sienten constantemente vigilados y castigados, pueden desarrollar una mentalidad de miedo y ansiedad, lo que puede inhibir su capacidad para aprender y explorar. Además, este enfoque puede fomentar una cultura de obediencia ciega en lugar de fomentar el pensamiento crítico y la creatividad. En lugar de ello, los educadores podrían enfocarse en crear un entorno de aprendizaje seguro, inclusivo y estimulante que permita a los estudiantes prosperar y alcanzar su máximo potencial.
Claudia Edurneth Rascón González, Maestra en Ciencias Sociales para el Desarrollo Interdisciplinario e ICELT, cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del inglés en los sectores público y privado. Forma parte de la Comunidad IH desde hace 8 años, donde ha sido docente y Directora de Estudios (DoS) en Torreón, y actualmente se prepara para SE con Monterrey. Su vocación y compromiso la impulsan a seguir aprendiendo y compartiendo su conocimiento.
Excessive Surveillance and Punishment in the Classroom: A Counterproductive Practice for Learning
Excessive surveillance and punishment in the classroom may seem effective in maintaining order but can hinder learning. When students feel constantly monitored and punished, they may develop a mindset of fear and anxiety, inhibiting their ability to learn and explore. Moreover, this approach can promote a culture of blind obedience rather than fostering critical thinking and creativity. Instead, educators should focus on creating a safe, inclusive, and stimulating learning environment where students can thrive and reach their full potential.
Claudia Edurneth Rascón González, Maestra en Ciencias Sociales para el Desarrollo Interdisciplinario e ICELT, cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del inglés en los sectores público y privado. Forma parte de la Comunidad IH desde hace 8 años, donde ha sido docente y Directora de Estudios (DoS) en Torreón, y actualmente se prepara para SE con Monterrey. Su vocación y compromiso la impulsan a seguir aprendiendo y compartiendo su conocimiento.
La lengua materna, aunque puede facilitar el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua al proporcionar una base cognitiva y estructural, también representa un desafío debido a la interferencia lingüística, lo que destaca la necesidad de estrategias pedagógicas que maximicen sus beneficios y minimicen sus efectos negativos.
La lengua materna desempeña un papel crucial en el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua, actuando como una base cognitiva que facilita la comprensión de estructuras gramaticales, el desarrollo de habilidades lingüísticas y la adquisición de vocabulario. Sin embargo, también puede convertirse en un obstáculo debido a la interferencia lingüística, que se manifiesta en errores de pronunciación, gramática y uso inapropiado de expresiones. Este fenómeno, conocido como transferencia, puede ser tanto positiva, cuando acelera el proceso de aprendizaje, como negativa, cuando dificulta la comunicación efectiva. En esta presentación, exploraremos cómo la lengua materna influye en la adquisición de un nuevo idioma, destacando los aspectos positivos y negativos de esta interferencia. Además, abordaremos estrategias pedagógicas clave que permiten aprovechar las ventajas de la lengua materna mientras se mitigan sus efectos adversos, ofreciendo un enfoque equilibrado y efectivo para el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua.
David Martínez Barraza es Licenciado en Educación Especial y cuenta con la certificación CELTA. Con más de 10 años de experiencia en International House, se ha especializado en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (ELE) y en la formación de docentes. Actualmente, se desempeña como Spanish Advisor para International House World, asesorando y desarrollando estrategias pedagógicas a nivel internacional. Su experiencia y conocimiento lo han llevado a explorar la dualidad de la lengua materna como aliada y reto en la adquisición de una nueva lengua.
The Dual Nature of the Mother Tongue: Ally and Challenge in Acquiring a New Language
The mother tongue, while facilitating second language learning by providing a cognitive and structural foundation, also poses a challenge due to linguistic interference, highlighting the need for pedagogical strategies that maximize its benefits and minimize its negative effects.
The mother tongue plays a crucial role in learning a second language, acting as a cognitive foundation that aids the understanding of grammatical structures, the development of linguistic skills, and vocabulary acquisition. However, it can also become a hurdle due to linguistic interference, manifesting in pronunciation errors, grammar mistakes, and the inappropriate use of expressions. This phenomenon, known as transfer, can be positive when it accelerates the learning process and negative when it hinders effective communication. In this presentation, we will explore how the mother tongue influences the acquisition of a new language, highlighting the positive and negative aspects of this interference. Additionally, we will address key pedagogical strategies to leverage the benefits of the mother tongue while mitigating its adverse effects, offering a balanced and effective approach to second language learning.
David Martínez Barraza holds a degree in Special Education and a CELTA certification. With over 10 years of experience at International House, he specializes in teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) and training ELE teachers. As a Spanish Advisor for International House World, he is responsible for advising and developing pedagogical strategies for Spanish language instruction at an international level. His expertise and dedication contribute to the ongoing growth and educational excellence of the organisation.